Submit Samples
Fill out this lab request form and send the PDF confirmation with your samples to the lab address listed below.
Lab Locations
Shipping Information
Please address your sample shipment for testing to your regional location below or the site recommended by your local technical service expert.

Attention: JSL
6565 West Frye Road, Chandler, AZ 85226
Phone: 480-963-0022

Isola Asia Pacific (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.
Attention: JSL
164 Gul Circle, #01-6 Singapore 0629621
Phone: 65-6864-1200 / 65-6862-2101

Isola GmbH (Düren, Germany)
Attention: JSL
Isolastrasse 2 D-52353, Düren, Germany
Phone: 49-2421-8080