
PCB West 2019 Conference & Exhibition September 9 – 12, 2019
For 28 years PCB West has trained designers, engineers, fabricators and, lately, assemblers on making printed circuit boards for every product or use imaginable. From high-reliability military/aerospace to cutting-edge IoT and wearables, there’s something for everyone involved in the electronics supply chain. This is one show you cannot afford to…

HKPCA 2018, Shenzhen, China, December 5 -7 – A Great Success!
The 2018 HKPCA & IPC Show held on 5-7 December 2018 in Shenzhen, China, themed as “Inspire the Industry. Explore the Infinity,” proved to be a great success for Isola. Here’s a picture of the Isola team at the Isola booth. The Isola team engaged with many visitors to our…

Be sure to visit us at Hall B1, Booth 250 at Electronica 2018, Munich, Germany, November 13-16.
Electronica 2018: Whether it comes to PCBs, semiconductors, sensors, connectors or displays: electronica is the best place to find out first which components, systems and applications are made possible by the latest developments. You can see the entire world of electronics here. Isola enables innovative electronic products by…

Isola recently invited 50 Bosch staff members to a special automotive workshop at the offices of ELEKONTA in Gerlingen, Germany. Isola’s Carsten Doelfs, Bernd Flossbach and Alex Ippich teamed up with: – PETERS for “Coating Innovation for Electronics”; – ELEKONTA MAREK PCBs for “RF Applications and…

Singapore: Isola announces the grand opening of their new sales office and Analytical Services Laboratory.
On June 18 the Singapore Isola and JSL team celebrated the opening of their new offices. Photos show the ribbon cutting and a photo of the Isola and JSL team.